
Root 66 #2 Fat Tire Classic

That was fun. When is it not fun to slide around in the mud for a couple of hours with 20+ of your fastest New England friends. I'm not sure if i have said it before but i might have in a an interview ...not sure... but i'll talk about it here. The Root66 Pro race contingent is fast. I love it. It feels great to line and know that its going to be a tough one to squeak out a podium. But pushing your limits is how you get better. I truly believe if it weren't for the number of years of my parents driving to the Root66 races as a junior and even still as a pro i probably wouldn't be racing. Going to those races is like a family reunion every weekend. Seeing you friends, having a genuine good time and racing your face off. Just wanted to say that. The Race day was a great time. My Brother Ian came to be my support for the weekend which usually brings a level of comical relief when he comes to a race event. He brought his bike so he could do a recon lap before the race. It was fun because he has a knack of finding sweet lines, "Bro Line's" as we call them. I found them pretty handy during the race when the Sky's opened up and the temperature dropped. With the race being a 1:30pm start we were all hoping that that wet weather would hold off for the pro race. Well as we know it didn't and the nice buff single track and open road/packed sand section's quickly turned to grease. The Game plan as usual, get to the front and hammer and hope i don't blow up. That seems to be working...sort of. Since my school schedule has limited my training to 3days a week I've been left with no choice but to train through my non-priority races. So really not the freshest pie in the pack. But i guess i had enough power to get on the front and ride for a lap with New England crosser Jeremy Durrin. After riding a couple of steep up hill sections cleanly and a bobble on his part i found my self with a good gap and increasingly tiring legs. I could see a rider coming through a few single track sections behind but my goal was to just keep it up right and smooth due to the deteriorating track. But inevitable like a bad dream i came through the feed zone on the last lap and was dogging it. minutes later i was passed by Shawn Milne. He got a small 20 sec gap that i managed to salvage to a mere 7sec. I'm happy with that. I love a hard race. Turns out Shawn Races Pro Road for Kenda-5Hr energy and is pretty fast...of course he is. Hope he comes around more often. Fat tires are a good time!! Rubber side down!! -Seamus


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